(Vitebsk, Belarus, 1887 – Saint-Paul-De-Vence, France, 1985)
The twelve tribes, 1962
1988 Edition
MAB’s permanent collection
The figure of twelve is considered a solar and divine number, linked to the cosmic order, to perfection, and to unity (Eduardo Sarré, 2004). Additionally, it’s associated with the division of daytime, the year into twelve months, the establishment of twelve major gods in many mythologies, the twelve signs of the zodiac, the twelve disciples and first apostles of Jesus the Christ, among others (Cirlot, 1997). It’s the same numerical formula found in the twelve sons of Jacob who, according to biblical accounts, are the chiefs of the tribes that gave rise to the Israelites and occupied the territories located in the ancient Near East during the Iron Age. These twelve tribes are represented in this polyptych, whose iconography and meanings are derived from the verses of Genesis 49 and Deuteronomy 33. These refer to certain descriptions of personality, attributes and blessings that Jacob dictates to his children, and Moses to the sons of Jacob. The twelve pieces contain animals, vegetation, and cityscapes with red, blue, yellow, and green colors as central figures.
About the work: These lithographs come from a special edition from 1962, based on the twelve stained glass windows that the artist made for the synagogue of the Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem. These lithography pieces marked the beginning of the MAB’s collection in 2003, prior to the integration of national artists starting in 2005.
- Tribe of Reuben, 1962
- 1988 Edition
- Reuben is the first son of Jacob and is known for having large herds of animals.
- Tribe of Simeon, 1962
- 1988 Edition
- Due to their warlike reference, they are associated with a walled or ruined city and with swords.
- Tribe of Levi, 1962
- 1988 Edition
- According to Jewish tradition, it’s the priestly tribe from which their first high priest, Aaron, came from. They were in charge of teaching the Torah (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible) and various liturgical and ritual activities. The Star of David appears, a symbol of Judaism.
- Tribe of Judah, 1962
- 1988 Edition
- Its symbol is the lion and the crown. According to tradition, the first kings who ruled Israel originated from this tribe.
- Tribe of Dan, 1962
- 1988 Edition
- It’s the tribe from which the judges of Israel come from. It’s distinguished by the scale, a symbol of justice, and a snake, a symbol of knowledge and prudence.
- Tribe of Naphtali, 1962
- 1988 Edition
- It’s associated with a deer, which is related to wisdom and agility.
- Tribe of Gad, 1962
- 1988 Edition
- It’s usually represented by a military camp or a tent. They were war soldiers.
- Tribe of Asher, 1962
- 1988 Edition
- It’s connected to bread, the cedar tree, olives or a jar of oil to refer to prosperity.
- Tribe of Issachar, 1962
- 1988 Edition
- The sun, the moon, and the donkey are their symbols for being an outstanding tribe in their understanding of time, humility, patience, and courage. They had fertile lands.
- Tribe of Zebulun, 1962
- 1988 Edition
- The ship is their symbol for being a merchant tribe that traded on the seas.
- Tribe of Joseph, 1962
- 1988 Edition
- It’s represented by the sheaf or grouped branches of wheat, that refers to wealth and abundance.
- Tribe of Benjamin, 1962
- 1988 Edition
- Its symbol is the wolf because of its strong and ferocious character for wars